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Regular program length of 2 years leading to a "Master of Science (M.Sc.)" degree; 120 credit points (corresponding to the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System - ECTS) must be completed. Individual prorgram length may differ from regular program length.

Es handelt sich um einen konsekutiven Studiengang, der einen Bachelorabschluss in demselben oder einem verwandten Fach voraussetzt. Der Studiengang zeichnet sich durch die umfangreichen Möglichkeiten zur Wahl von Fächern und Gebieten innerhalb von Modulen aus. Er beinhaltet: Betriebswirtschafthre, Volkswirtschafthre, Ingenieurwissenschaften, Informatik und Operations Research. Ferner sind interdisziplinäre Seminare und Schlüsselqualifikationen sowie die abschließende Masterarbeit nachzuweisen. Der Studienaufwand wird in Leistungspunkten bemessen. Die folgende Abbildung zeigt die Fachstruktur und die Zuordnung der Leistungspunkte zu den Fächern.

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The four-semester, interdisciplinary Master of Industrial Engineering and Management at KIT aims for a qualification, both broad and research-focused, in the following five thematic core fields: Business Administration, Economics, Informatics, Operations Research, and Engineering.

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A shared aspect of the core fields is that they put special emphasize on learning and applying quantitative methods; these are the mathematical techniques of theoretical and empirical analysis. The course of study is designed in order to provide the students with a wide horizon and versatile problem-solving skills for their professional lives. They should be able to familiarise quickly with the specific methods of their field of work, particularly with the formally sophisticated methods. This should give them a considerable degree of flexibility in their professional career.

In order to ensure the quantitative focus of the course of study, special consideration is given to ensure that successful applicants have obtained a profound knowledge of mathematics and statistics as well as sufficient basic knowledge of most of the other core subjects in their preceding Bachelor's studies.

The wide range of the qualification is ensured by the rule that at least one module worth 9 credit points (usually comprising two lectures with tutorials) must be completed for each of the five specified thematic core subjects. A second module must be completed for both Business Administration and Engineering. In two additional modules, focuses can be developed in a selected core subject or in statistics. Law or sociology can be chosen for one of these modules as well. At least two seminars and the Master's thesis develop the skills to compose and present independent pieces of research. The possibility of an international exchange is provided through ERASMUS+ programs and bilateral direct cooperation programs.

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In Business Administration and Economics, a variety of theoretical approaches are applied as well as all commonly applied methods of empirical analysis: from the collection and analysis of field data to laboratory experiments and computer-aided simulations.

The Business Administration courses comprise accounting, finance economy, business management, information engineering and management, industrial production, and marketing. The Economics courses comprise microeconomic and macroeconomic theories, industrial economics and network economics, public finance and economic policy, as well as political economy. In Operations Research, the advanced methods and models of continuous, discrete, stochastic, and dynamic optimisation are taught and algorithmically applied. Informatics focuses on specialised theoretical fundamentals as well as on advanced practical methods for applying information and communication technologies in economy, management, and society.

The program in classical Engineering takes advantage of numerous specialisation options within the KIT faculties of mechanical engineering, civil engineering, electrical engineering, and informatics as well as chemical engineering and process engineering.

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This sound, scientific education provides graduates with the ability to describe and interpret characteristics, terminologies, doctrines, and limits in the thematic core subjects and electives, as well as reflect the current state of research and further develop it selectively.

Their broad knowledge base allows them to think in an interdisciplinary manner and to consider issues from different perspectives. They are also familiar with the limits and with the areas of overlap of the various disciplines. They are prepared for applying complex mathematical and computer-based methods in practice. They are able to take a nuanced approach to a wide range of problems, information, and current requirements as well as analyse, compare, and evaluate them using suitable methods and concepts – also within a team. They can exchange views with expert representatives at a scientific level and take on responsibility, even within an international team. They are particularly qualified for jobs in industry, the service sector, or public administration, as well as for a continued research career (doctoral study).

Absolventinnen und Absolventen des Masterstudiengangs Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen zeichnen sich durch ihre interdisziplinäre Denkweise sowie ihre Innovations- und Managementfähigkeit aus. Sie sind insbesondere als Führungskräfte für Tätigkeitsfelder in der Industrie, im Dienstleistungssektor oder in IT-Unternehmen qualifiziert und arbeiten im Consulting, Controlling, Logistik, Marketing und vielen weiteren Bereichen, in denen sowohl wirtschaftswissenschaftliche als auch technische Kenntnisse gefragt sind. Einige Absolventinnen und Absolventen gründen mit einer kreativen und innovativen Geschäftsidee ein eigenes Start-Up. Und auch eine wissenschaftliche Laufbahn, beginnend mit einer Promotion, ist ein möglicher Karriereweg, den Masterabsolventinnen und -absolventen einschlagen.

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In order to enroll in a degree program taught in German, foreign applicants need to proof sufficient knowledge of the German language. Proof of minimum B1-level is necessary for application. All certificates are accepted, certificate of attendance of a B1-level course is sufficient. For enrollment, proof of DSH2 or one of its recognized equivalents has to be submitted. Additional information is provided by the International Students Office.

2021 KIT 049 Satzung zur Änderung der Satzung für das hochschuleigene Zugangs- und Auswahlverfahren im Masterstudiengang Wirtschaftsingenieurwesen am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)

2023 KIT 029 Satzung zur Änderung der Regelung über die mündliche Nachprüfung in den Studien- und Prüfungsordnungen des Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)

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2022 KIT 037 Satzung des Karlsruher Instituts für Technologie (KIT) über die Änderung der Studien- und Prüfungsordnungen zur Anwendbarkeit der Satzung zur Durchführung von Online-Prüfungen am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)

2022 KIT 016 Satzung des Karlsruher Instituts für Technologie (KIT) zur Änderung der Regelungen über den Nachteilsausgleich in den Studien- und Prüfungsordnungen gemäß § 32 Abs. 4 Nr. 5 LHG in der Fassung des 4. Hochschuländerungsgesetzes (HRÄG)

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2020 KIT 049 Satzung des Karlsruher Instituts für Technologie (KIT) über die Änderung der Studien- und Prüfungsordnungen zur Anwendbarkeit der Satzung des Karlsruher Instituts für Technologie (KIT) zur Durchführung von Erfolgskontrollen im Antwort-Wahl-V.

Master's Degree Programme In Mechanical Engineering

2014 KIT 019 Satzung zur Umsetzung des Ãœbereinkommens über die Anerkennung von Qualifikationen im Hochschulbereich der Europäischen Region vom 11. April 1997 gemäß §§ 32 Abs. 2, 4 und 36a LHG in den Studien- und Prüfungsordnungen am KITThe School conducts high-quality significant national and international research and offers excellent opportunities for graduate studies, successfully combining modern engineering and technology with the exciting field of digital media. The Intelligent Interaction group has interests in many areas of interactive multimedia, digital film, 3D visualisation and animation.

Our one year MSc by Research in Digital Arts is an internationally recognised advanced postgraduate research degree, providing an ideal foundation for advanced skills and knowledge. Traditional MSc degrees primarily contain taught modules, whilst an MSc by Research is heavily research or practice-based and you learn through hands-on projects.

Whereas a taught Masters develops expertise in existing subject knowledge, an MSc by Research places more emphasis on research and practical expertise and is project-based, rather than module-based. An MSc by Research can focus on individual research skills, providing a strong foundation to build on for students considering a doctoral degree (PhD). Alternatively, our MSc by Research can be done via a practice-based approach, which is more oriented toward the industry. It is well structured with clearly defined tasks to be completed, which will eventually lead to the final dissertation.

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There is particular strength in web design and development, including e-commerce, e-learning, e-health; and the group has substantial experience in interaction design (e.g. usability and accessibility), social computing (e.g. social networking, computer mediated communication), mobile technology (e.g. smart wearable devices, immersive technologies (e.g. virtual and augmented reality) and video games. In the area of time-based media, the group has substantial interest in digital film capture and editing, and manipulation on to fully animated 3D modelling techniques as used in games and feature films.

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Established over 40 years ago, the School has developed a top-quality teaching and research base, receiving excellent ratings in both research and teaching assessments.

The School undertakes high-quality researchthat has had significant national and international impact, and our spread of expertise allows us to respond rapidly to new developments. Our 30 academic staff and over 130 postgraduate students and research staff provide an ideal focus to effectively support a high level of research activity. There is a thriving student population studying for postgraduate degrees in a friendly and supportive teaching and research environment.

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As a postgraduate student in the School of Engineering, you receive support through individual supervision, specialised seminars and colloquia, usually with external speakers. We alsooffer a range offinancial support options.

We have research funding from the Research Councils UK, European research programmes, a number of industrial and commercial companies and government agencies including the Ministry of Defence. Many of our research projects are collaborative, and we have well-developed links with institutions worldwide.

A2.2 or higher honours degree or MSc with Merit or above in a computing, multimedia and digital arts or a related design subject.

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All applicants are considered on an individual basis and additional qualifications, professional qualifications

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Drawing apps help you create simple images called vector graphics. These applications have numerous brushes that help you to make drawings. Many such software can be used to make realistic sketches with ease.

Following is a handpicked list of Top Drawing(Art) Apps, with their popular features and website links. The list contains both open-source (free) and commercial (paid) software.

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Adobe Fresco is easy to use vector drawing program. It enables you to turn your ideas into a design. This application has built-in vector brushes.

The Best Drawing Apps And Art Apps For 2023

Adobe Fresco is easy to use vector drawing program. It enables you to turn your ideas into a design. This application has built-in vector brushes. The software allows you to customize the toolbar to keep only those brushes you like.

Photoshop is an application for photo retouching and image editing. Adobe publishes it for Windows and macOS. This tool offers you to create, enhance, edit artwork, images, and illustrations. Adobe Photoshop is an important tool for designers, graphic artists, photographers, web developers, and creative professionals.

Artrage is an application that offers numerous realistic painting tools. The program allows you to create delicate watercolor strokes that look like a canvas texture.

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Colorcinch is an AI-powered photo effect and editing tool. This drawing app allows you to instantly create, edit, and turn your photo into personalized artwork. It also helps you to save and organize your projects online.

Adobe Photoshop Sketch is a tool that lets you create drawings using tools like pen, pencils, watercolor, markers, etc. This app is available for Android as well as iOS.

GIMP is a freeware and open-source digital painting software. The full form of GIMP is the GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is used for image editing and retouching, free-form drawing, convert images into different formats, and more specialized work. This program is released under GPLv3+ licenses and is available for macOS, Microsoft Windows, and Linux.

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Pencil Sketch is an easy-to-use editor for creating sketches from photos. This application enables you to choose the image from your gallery or capture it with the camera. It is one of the best drawing apps for free, which helps you to create sketches with smooth curves and edges.

PENUP is a drawing tool that helps you to make sketches. It enables you to do coloring on drawings. This application allows you to find drawings by popular artwork and artists.

Pencil Photo Sketch is a photo editor to create sketches from photos. It is one of the best free drawing apps to convert your images into color or hand-drawn pencil sketches.

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Ibis Paint X is a versatile drawing app. It is one of the best art apps for free, containing more than 800 fonts, 64 filters, 335 brushes, and more. This application gives a comfortable and smooth drawing experience. The software helps you to record the drawing process as a video.

Kawaii Easy Drawing: How to draw Step by Step is a free drawing book for children. It is one of the best free painting apps which provides animation steps to show detailed steps for drawing cartoons. You can use it to draw flowers, rose, animals, and more.

PaperColor is a painting application. This app has different styles of color libraries. It is one of the best free sketch apps which helps you to draw anything from your tablet or phone.

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Inspire Pro is a painting app for iPad. This application helps you to blend colors with brush strokes. It is one of the best free drawing software which enables you to browse through the gallery. The software allows you to add the title of your artwork.

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Procreate is an application that enables you to create sketches and paintings on the iPad. It is one of the best free art programs that contains a library of brushes, charcoals, ink, and more. It allows you to paint or draw with any color. If you’re looking for similar tools, check out these Procreate alternatives that offer a range of features for digital artists.

Drawing Desk: Draw, Paint, Color, Doodle & Sketch Pad is a free app for Android devices. This application helps you to start drawing, sketching, and coloring. It enables you to draw pictures of animals, vegetables, fruits, and more.

Best Apps To Turn Photos Into Sketch Or Drawing

Pixelmator Pro is a graphics editor to develop a professional image. This application has a collection of tools that can be used for editing and retouching photos.

Pencil Sketch Photo – Art Filters and Effects is an easy application that helps you to turn your images into a pencil art sketch. This application enables you to import a photo from camera or gallery.

Paper by Wetransfer is a tool that allows you to make drawings. This application allows you to share your final work in real-time with comments and reactions.

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Tayasui Sketches is a tool that allows you to easily make realistic sketches. This tool provides wet watercolor that enables you to blend two or more colors. It supports unlimited layers to draw complex drawings.

Marmoset Hexels is an application for grid-based painting, design, and animation. This application provides a palette that enables you to keep track of colors.

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Affinity Designer is a vector graphics app that helps you to improve your workflow and creativity. This application provides a real-time preview. You can use it to make complex drawings. The program enables you to link symbols.

Turn Photos Into Paintings

Assembly is a tool that offers a quick and easy way to make your design. This tool can draw basic shapes, fills, stickers, and strokes. This iPhone drawing app enables you to export the file as SVGs.

Concepts is an application that contains natural tools to draw vector graphics. This application has a library containing a wide variety of objects and brushes. It enables you to drag and drop objects with ease.Artists and illustrators have a new super-tool in their arsenal - Drawing Apps. Tech-savvy creatives are switching from paper to digital and reaping the benefits that drawing apps and art apps offer - powerful drawing tools, special effects, the ability to create vectors or raster images, and even 3D models.

There are a ton of drawing apps, art apps, painting apps, and sketch apps available now to creatives, each with its own USP. Some excel in vector drawings, others in graphic illustrations. There are dedicated apps for image manipulation, mimicking hand drawing, and 3d modelling. While several apps come only in paid versions, plenty of free drawing apps are also available. If you google drawing apps, an extensive list of good drawing apps with their popular features and website links comes up.

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We have curated a list of the 47best free and paid drawing apps for 2023 to express your ideas in the form of digital art.

No list of digital art apps would be complete without listing offerings of Adobe drawing apps. Adobe has led the pack for decades, and Adobe Photoshop is still the professional's choice for raster art creation. Photoshop is one of the best drawing apps for iPad, Mac and PC; they also provide accessory apps for mobile devices and tablets.

The biggest drawback of Adobe’s offerings, especially for beginners, is that you must purchase a subscription to use these drawing apps for computers. For established pros with stable cash flow, this presents a little problem, but for aspiring amateurs and beginners, there are plenty of good editing apps that offer good functionality at a fraction of the cost.

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If you’re looking for a drawing app that combines the ease and simplicity of drawing on your mobile device with the power of Adobe Photoshop, check out Photoshop Sketch. When combined with your Adobe Creative Cloud subscription, Photoshop Sketch allows you to fine-tune images created on your tablet later on your computer.

Just as Photoshop is the industry-standard drawing app for iPad, PC and MacOs for raster pictures, Illustrator is the go-to digital art app for vector art. Illustrator is used to creating everything from basic graphic design tasks like logos to elaborate and beautiful landscapes and portrait photos. With a little practice, you can make nearly anything into a vector in Illustrator.

Similar to Photoshop Sketch, but for vector drawing, Illustrator Draw, a great drawing app for iPad, allows you to create vector drawings on the go easily. You can then save them to your creative cloud account and fine-tune them in the full program later. Both Photoshop Sketch and Illustrator Draw are free downloads, but if you want to export the images for later editing, you’ll need a Creative Cloud subscription.

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Sketchbook from Autodesk is one of the most robust raster drawing apps you will find. Compared to Photoshop, Sketch is a purpose-built platform for artists on the go. It’s not meant for photo editing or other tasks, so the program focuses on just what you need to draw on your tablet easily. The program is available for Macs, PCs, iOS, and Android devices. Unlike many drawing apps that stick to proprietary or generic formats, Sketchbook conveniently has the option to export to Photoshop PSD format with layers intact. The best part? Autodesk has now released the full-featured drawing app for free. There are plenty of completelyalternatives to Photoshophere are the best.

A full-featured vector editor for Mac, Windows,

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The MLA citation style was developed by the Modern Language Association of America, an association of scholars and teachers of language and literature.

, a citation guide for high school and undergrad students. The MLA Handbook provides guidelines for writing and documenting research, as well as tips for the use of the English language in your writing.

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MLA is a very popular citation style. However, if you are unsure which citation style to use in your paper, ask your instructor. There are many different citation styles and using the style your instructor or institution has established correctly can have a positive impact on your grade.

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Each source that was cited in the text or notes of your paper should appear in a list at the end of the paper. MLA calls the reference list a "Works Cited" page.

Your Works Cited list identifies the sources you cite in the body of your research project. Works that you consult during your research, but don't use and cite in your paper, are not included. Your Works Cited list is ordered alphabetically by the part of the author's name that comes first in each entry.

Entries in the list of works cited are made up of core elements given in a specific order, and there are optional elements that may be included. The core elements in your works cited list are the following, given in the order in which they should appear, followed by the correct punctuation mark. The final element in an MLA reference should end with a period:

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To use this template of core elements, first evaluate what you are citing to see which elements apply to the source. Then list each element relevant to your source in the order given on the template. For a work containing another work (e.g. an article published in a journal and contained in a database), you can repeat the process by filling out the template again from

Let's try this with a journal article. If you wanted to cite the article, “What Should We Do with a Doctor Here?”: Medical Authority in Austen’s

Mallory-Kani, Amy. “'What Should We Do with a Doctor Here?': Medical Authority in Austen’s Sanditon”. Nineteenth-Century Contexts, vol. 39, no. 4, 2017, pp. 313-26.

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MLA has a specific rule about how to structure page numbers in a works cited entry. Use pp. and then list the number. If the page range is within ten or one hundred digits, you don't need to repeat the first digit. For example, you would write pp. 51-8 or pp. 313-26.

The following section takes a deeper look at the core elements of an MLA works cited entry to help you get your citation right.

In general, titles in your Works Cited list are given in full exactly as they are found in the source, except that capitalization, punctuation between the main title and a subtitle, and the styling of titles that normally appear in italic typeface are standardized. The Title of Source element is followed by a period unless the title ends in a question mark or exclamation point.

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A container in the context of the MLA template is a work that contains another work. An example of a container can be:

Sarchet, Thomastine, et al. “Vocabulary Knowledge of Deaf and Hearing Postsecondary Students.” Journal of Postsecondary Education and Disability, vol. 27, no. 2, Summer 2014, pp. 161–178.

Importantly, a website or a database is not always automatically the container of a work that can be found there. If you click on a Facebook link that takes you to a New York Times article, Facebook is not the container of the article, but the New York Times website is. Be careful to make the distinction here.

Ohs Citation Guide For Mla Format

People, groups, and organizations can be contributors to a work without being its primary creator. There can be a primary author, but a work can also be created by a group of people. Key contributors should always be listed in your entry. Other contributors can be listed on a case-by-case basis. Whenever you list a contributor, include a label describing the role. These kinds of contributors should always be listed in your entry:

Chartier, Roger. The Order of Books: Readers, Authors, and Libraries in Europe between the Fourteenth and Eighteenth Centuries. Translated by Lydia G. Cochrane, Stanford UP, 1994.

It may be necessary to include other types of contributors if they shaped the overall presentation of the work. Use labels (in lowercase) to describe the contributor's role, such as:

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If a source is a version of a work released in more than one form, you need to identify the version in your entry. For example, books are commonly issued in versions called

The source you are documenting may be part of a sequence, like a volume, issue, or episode. Include that number in your entry:

Warren, R., et al. “The Projected Effect on Insects, Vertebrates, and Plants of Limiting Global Warming to 1.5°C Rather than 2°C.” Science (New York, N.Y.), vol. 360, no. 6390, 2018, pp. 791–795, doi:10.1126/science.aar3646.

Evaluating Web Pages

The publisher is the entity primarily responsible for making the work available to the public. The publisher element may include the following:

This element tells your reader when the version of the book you are citing was published. In the example below, the book was published in 2018:

If roman numerals are used, convert them to arabic numerals. Use the day-month-year style to minimize commas in your entry and use the most specific date you can find in your source. Include day, month, and year if your source does:

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For paginated print or similar formats (e.g. PDFs), the location is the page range. In other cases, additional information may need to be included with the page numbers so that the work can be found. In this overview, you can see examples for locations:

As mentioned above, Works Cited list entries in MLA style are based on the template of core elements. In some cases, you may need or want to give additional information relevant to the work you are documenting. You can do so by adding supplements to the template. There are two sections where you can add supplements, either:

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A period should be placed after a supplemental element. Three pieces of information are the most likely to be placed after the Title of Source:

Citation & Formatting

For example, inserting the contributors' roles and names after the Title of Source element tells the reader that Leila El Khalidi and Christopher Tingley translated only

Fagih, Ahmed Ibrahim al-. The Singing of the Stars. Translated by Leila El Khalidi and Christopher Tingley. Short Arabic Plays: An Anthology, edited by Salma Khadra Jayyusi, Interlink Books, 2003, pp. 140-57.

If you need to clarify something about the entry as a whole, you can do it at the end of the entry, like:

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United States, Congress, House. Improving Broadband Access for Veterans Act of 2016., 114th Congress, 2nd session, House Resolution 6394, passed 6 Dec. 2016.

In-text citations aim at directing the reader to the entry in your Works Cited list for the source. while creating the least possible interruption in the text. An in-text citation usually contains the author's name (or other first element in the entry in the works cited list) and a page number. The page number usually goes in a parenthesis, placed where there is a natural pause in the text.

A parenthetical citation that directly follows a quotation is placed after the closing quotation mark. No punctuation is used between the author's name (or the title) and a page number:

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Naomi Baron broke new ground on the subject. Although many scholars have explored the influence of computers on reading habits, Baron's work helps us understand how reading will continue to evolve.

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Smith and Williams, along with several other recent scholars, argue that nineteenth-century writers routinely considered how humans interacted with non-humans in an increasingly industrialized society.

A recent book argues that nineteenth-century writers routinely considered how humans interacted with nonhumans in an increasingly industrialized society (Smith and Wlliams).

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Smith, Williams, and others have recently argued that the period's increasing industrialization led authors to more deeply consider humans' relationships to nonhumans.

A recent book contends that the period's increasing industrialization led authors to more deeply consider humans' relationships to nonhumans (Smith, Williams, et al.).

Also provides guidelines on how to present your paper in a clear and consistent way. These are the general guidelines to format your paper correctly, according to MLA. For more details, refer to the MLA

Basic Citation: Avoiding Plagiarism_fall 2018

Gives guidance for a multitude of different sources, like websites, television series, songs, articles, comic books, etc., and considers various types of contributors to these sources. 's MLA citation generator helps you create the fastest and most accurate MLA citations possible. If you want to learn more about MLA citations, check out our detailed MLA citation guides.

An in-text citation usually contains the author's name (or other first element in the entry in the works cited list) and a page number. The page number usually goes in a parenthesis, placed where there is a natural pause in the text.

In MLA style, audio-visual material uses the specific time of the audio/video for in-text citations. You need to cite the author's last name and the time or

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Free Mla Citation Generator: Works Cited & In Text Citations

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Despite choppy NFT waters, museums help artists make cash, raise visibility “We want to reimagine the constructs of a traditional museum’s capabilities and the entire experience utilizing NFT technology, " Santalo said.

Along a seemingly endless hallway in the Boca Raton Innovation Campus, where IBM developed its personal computer several decades ago, artworks displayed on a half dozen 65-inch commercial monitors rotate every 20 minutes.

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But they’re not oils or watercolors. They are unique pieces of digital art — some still images, some digital animations — that occupy Lynn University’s new NFT Museum. NFT stands for non-fungible token, which a collector can buy online. The original exists as a unit of data that the owner keeps on a blockchain — most are on the Ethereum blockchain —a digital ledger that keeps records of art deals in cyberspace.

Despite A Crypto Crash, Art's Most Powerful Players Have Decided That Nfts Are Not A Fad And Are Very Cool Actually

Each token has a limited number of versions, more like a limited print edition of a piece of art. Theoretically, a digital artwork can be viewed simultaneously at different galleries, schools, stores, or at home.

Amid a burgeoning wave of South Florida consumer and entrepreneurial interest in cryptocurrencies, NFTs and blockchain technology, Lynn University opened its NFT museum in mid-March at the hallowed innovation campus located at 4950 Communications Avenue in Boca Raton. Members of the public can view the rotating creations by students, faculty and artists who donated their pieces to the school.

Cesar Santalo, dean of Lynn’s college of communication and design, devised the project. Though there’s only six screens at the moment, the museum includes simultaneous real-time displays at the American College Dublin in Ireland, and there’s the potential to similarly share art with dozens if not hundreds of other institutions.

Nifty News: Avalanche Launches Mentoring Initiative, Beeple Opens Massive New Studio And More

“I think that the fact we are in a building as highly trafficked as the BRIC reinforces our mission, not only to spread the word about under-represented artists around the world, but also to get people into the habit of seeing original artwork and being able to purchase it without a middle person, ” he said.

“Basically what we’re doing here is we’re controlling all three locations with software we’re running, ” he said. “We control what each monitor is displaying and the time intervals of each artwork.”

“A year ago, we didn’t have a museum at the university, ” Santalo added. “But now you can view an original in multiple locations simultaneously.”

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While it is too early to quantify the degree to which NFTs are catching on among artists and collectors in Broward and Palm Beach counties, cultural promoters, educators, and art observers report a rising interest. Nationally, enthusiasts were tantalized last year when an NFT by the digital artist Mike Winkelmann, a.k.a. Beeple, was sold at Christie’s in New York for a record $69.3 million.

Last December at Art Basel Miami Beach and Miami Art Week, NFTs took center stage. Among the more notable demonstrations, visitors were able to create their own NFTs as the German artist Mario Klinemann, a.k.a. Quasimondo, generated portraits of people who used the blockchain Tezos to mint tokens of their digital art.

At Art Week, an NFT by Los Angels artist Brendan Murphy called “The Future Has Not Yet Been Written, ” sold for $1.1 million. The piece was part of his Boonji Project, a collection of 11, 111 unique digital NFTs. All of the project’s Boonji Spaceman avatars feature elements from Brendan’s artwork, according to his website.

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Last year, according to the annual Art Basel & UBS Global Art Market Report 2022, “the total sales value of art-related NFTs on the Ethereum, Flow and Ronin blockchains increased over a hundredfold to $2.6 billion.”

“The NFT market continues to present a rapidly changing picture, with clear patterns yet to be fully established, ” the report said. “In 2020, the primary market accounted for 75% of art-related NFT sales by value, but in 2021 this was inversed, with 73% of value derived from re-sales in the secondary market.”

 - Digital Art Investment Association Lyons News

A survey of high net worth collectors in 10 key US markets showed 74% had bought art-related NFTs last year, the report said.

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But there is a persistent risk, the report warned, as unregulated sales platforms are exposed “to fraud, copyright infringement and artificial price inflation. At present, NFTs are hard to reliably appraise, and continue to be subject to the uncertainties inherent in emerging disruptive technology.”

Caveats aside, the local South Florida interest is on the rise. Last October, the Broward Cultural Division hosted a free workshop in downtown Fort Lauderdale that gave around 70 artists and others interested in NFTs the chance to gather information and speak with experts about the growing art and technology space.

“There is a huge appetite for this in Broward, ” said County Mayor Michael Udine, an avid advocate of the emergence of cryptocurrency and NFT activity in the county. “It’s not for everybody because there is some risk. But it is really cool and has some important potential.”

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Fort Lauderdale attorney and artist Joshua Lida, director of art and business law at the firm Twig Trade and Tribunal, was among the presenters, and sees a wide open opportunity for financially pressed artists to sustain themselves by selling digital work that would gain visibility over time.

“NFTs allow for artists to have continuing income from their work as it gains popularity, ” he said “The reality is, artists historically miss out on the largest increases in value of their works over time.”

Digital Art Investor NFT Is More Than Just A Token Offering - Digital Art Investment Association Lyons News

Artists continue to earn because sales are executed through so-called “smart contracts” that assign ownership and manage NFT transfers between buyers and sellers. When an NFT sells, the contract automatically distributes the funds. When the work passes through the hands of subsequent owners and sellers, the artist receives resale royalties from a portion of any profits earned. Saving Private Ryan

For artists, digital productions cut through the vagaries of shipping, storage, security, insurance and paperwork associated with all of those business functions. “We want to reimagine the constructs of a traditional museum’s capabilities and the entire experience utilizing NFT technology"Cesar Santalo

“We want to reimagine the constructs of a traditional museum’s capabilities and the entire experience utilizing NFT technology, ” Santalo said. “This will allow artists to authenticate their work using the blockchain. This digital ledger records transactions that provide proof of scarcity, provenance, and one-of-a-kind status to artists and buyers. We will showcase digitally illustrated and animated works of art as NFTs and film and poetry.”

Santalo says the visual quality of the work is preserved as he acquires the digital files in high definition “and it works just perfectly.” “Because they are NFTs, they are saving the high-resolution file in the marketplace. When you click on it, those high-resolution files are there.”

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What about the tactile power of standing in front of an original Jackson Pollock painting or Donald Judd sculpture? Santalo said “one of the things I say is this: a lot of these files, not all of them, are digitally native. so experiencing them in their true environment is to me the closest to the artist’s intentions. So it’s like when Rembrandt created a painting he always thought it was going to be 30 x 40, and you would always see the painting in the museum.”

He said the museum also intends to work with foreign museums that lack the means to showcase digital art. “A decentralized museum is a way to collaborate with artists and curators who may be dealing with political or economic challenges in their own countries, ” Santalo said.

 - Digital Art Investment Association Lyons News

“The more we can increase collaboration, diversity of thought, and expression amongst our curators and partners, the more it will drive innovation in our college for our students and faculty alike.”

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He said that all of the proceeds of the sale of the NFTs occur directly between the artist and buyer in OpenSea, the world’s largest NFT marketplace.

A retired professional hockey player who finished his career in the New York Islanders organization, he started small nearly a decade ago when he bought two bitcoins for $300 and $350 apiece.

He got into NFTs last year after speaking with friends who are involved, and now owns 52 tokens with artwork attached to them. He acquired most through OpenSea.

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“I haven’t lost any money, ” he said. “Making money would be nice. I got into it because I see a lot of things going — smart contract gives people ownership [to things] people usually don’t have ownership to. I hope it gets to where you can have experiences where you might not normally have.”

He bought an NFT that gives him access to the animated Stoner Cats production. The tokens serve as lifetime passes that give the owners access to future content.

Nifty News: Square Enix Invests Into NFT Gaming Firm, Beeple Speaks On NFT Art Future And More - Digital Art Investment Association Lyons News

Industry publications note that on average, NFT trading volume and prices have taken a precipitous drop since peaking in 2021. Now, with rising interest rates, a wildly fluctuating stock market and plunges in the values of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, the NFT market is going along for the ride.

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Morgan Stanley, the securities brokerage, is forecasting an outright crash among NFTs. Many players are finding it difficult to unload tokens purchased for premium prices. One well-reported episode focuses on an NFT of the first

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Drawing is one of the best ways to unleash kids creativity and engage them in a wide variety of expressive learning experiences. The apps we selected for you today are all about artistic ‘expressiveness’. They (apps) turn your iPad into a drawing canvas and empower you with a number of interesting features and tools to fuel your muse. They can be used for drawing, sketching, doodling, painting and many more. Check them out and share with us your feedback. Links to the apps are under the visual.

‘Unleash your inner Picasso and Mozart with Tiggly Draw! Your tablet is your canvas and Tiggly Shapes your tool for creating digital works of art, music, and imaginary creatures. Use the camera to save pictures of your artwork. Mom and dad can share them over email, social networks, etc.’

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‘Draw with the power of the Photoshop painting engine and a variety of built-in brushes, pencils, pens and markers. Create realistic watercolor paintings and import all your favorite Photoshop brushes for even more creative possibilities.’

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‘"Kids Doodle" is a pretty easy-to-use painting application that is designed specifically for little kids to enjoy doodle freely on iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. It supports more than 20 brushes, such as neon, fireworks, rainbow brush, crayon brush, oil brush, etc. The brush size and color is randomly adjusted to let kids entertained all the time.’

‘Paper is the best way to capture and connect your notes, photos, and sketches. Create checklists, spotlight details in photos, and sketch diagrams with unbeatable speed and ease — Paper is like a wall of sticky notes for everything that inspires you.’

‘Drawing Pad is a mobile art studio for all ages! Create your own art using photo-realistic crayons, markers, paint brushes, colored pencils, stickers, roller pens and more!’

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‘ArtRage isn't just about color: It knows how much paint you've used so you can smear it around to spread it over the canvas. It knows how wet your paint is so you can blend it with other paints. It even knows about the roughness of your paper so your pencils can be used for soft shading.’From imagination to creation, help your child develop the digital art skills to bring their dreams to life! With fun online art classes in 2023, your child will build their confidence and their digital art skills from drawing to Adobe Illustrator, and beyond. So today, we've pulled together some of the best online digital art classes for kids.

These classes are a great option for indoor after-school activities that are both fun and engaging and they make for great homeschool art classes. They also can be a nice education option as summer art camps and for winter breaks. Some of the virtual digital art classes mentioned are totally free, while others are paid options that are excellent for kids seeking a structured and comprehensive curriculum (as well as live instruction where they can get instantaneous feedback).

Explore digital art classes for beginners and youth from color fundamentals to lettering on ProCreate, you're sure to find something they'll love.

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Explore all sorts of art skills and mediums while creating a fun new project every week in this live online class designed for kids. Designed by experts from Apple and Google, this class exposes kids to a wide range of art topics, mediums, and basic techniques so your child will get a chance to try many different things. Students will enjoy creating a fun art project every session, and learn to appreciate great design in their daily lives.

Does your child want to create beautiful digital cards, posters, slides or videos for their school projects? Now they can do all of these with Canva - a powerful and trendy graphic design platform with a simple interface (the tool is free to access). This course explores examples of great graphic design and video storytelling. Your child will learn to use the intuitive drag-and-drop tool in Canva to create their own design, and share their works with friends or teachers easily online. You will be amazed to see how creative your child can be with this fun digital design tool!

In this fun live online class, students will gain core design skills to design effectively in two-dimensional design for screens and print. Students will develop a greater awareness and appreciation of the designed world. They will also have many opportunities to practice using their design sense and visual thinking skills by designing their own projects and receiving feedback each session.

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I Went From Having To Borrow Money To Making $4m In A Day': How Nfts Are Shaking Up The Art World

Get the low-down on some of the most useful tools in Photoshop in this online digital art class for kids! In the first class, students will learn how to navigate Photoshop and use layers, masks, crops, direct selection, and brushes to combine multiple images into a digital collage. Further sessions will delve deeper into color, adjustments, blending modes, editing tools, text, shapes, and filters.

Learn how to design beautiful websites using Wix. This fun hands-on class teaches students how to build professional looking websites for themselves, their clubs, their teams, their friends, and their communities using Wix. With over 200 millions users world wide, Wix is the leading website builder for designing, creating, and managing websites exactly the way you want. And it is also easy to use. This class covers a wide range of topics in Web Design, starting from the basics of how to use WIX and how to structure a website, to designing the layout, choosing color schemes, and even how to create a web store to sell products.

Join this Create & Learn class to make your design projects shine! With exciting hands-on exercises in each session, we will explore how to apply colors in different contexts in the real world, from brand logos to paintings, and apps, games, websites, movies, product design and more. With a curriculum designed by Google and Stanford experts, students will learn how to pick the right colors in a world with millions of colors. Plus see how to define and organize color, and how to combine colors to create moods, effects, understanding, and meaning.

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In this fun online digital art class, your child will learn how to define and organize color. They'll see how to combine colors to create moods, effects, understanding, and meaning. And with exciting hands-on exercises in each session, they'll explore how to apply colors in different contexts in the real world, from brand logos to paintings, and apps, games, websites, movies, product design, and more.

In this class, learn the basics of making digital art use Procreate on iPad. Students will learn different digital art techniques and tools in every session and create a digital artwork for each session. Students will also learn art terms and vocabularies throughout the projects as well as elements of art and principles of design.

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Learn the basics of Adobe Illustrator and design principles. You can use Illustrator to create anything from illustrations and graphics to logos. Capture your creative vision with shapes, color, effects, and typography!

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Learn how to use the drawing app Procreate! We'll go over different functions of the app and basics of lettering while we work towards our final project of lettering a short quote or phrase. You'll gain skills that you can use for future lettering projects or any kind of drawing.

Brought to you by The Kennedy Center, watch artist Mo Willems, illustrator of Knuffle Bunny, and the television series Sheep in the Big City of Cartoon Network, create a new doodle. Kids are invited to join along and doodle with him. The course is less ‘instructional’ and more focused on open-ended, creative play. Watch the original 15 episodes and enjoy their downloadable activities.

Does your child love Disney? Explore fun on-demand classes for drawing characters such as Rapunzel, Sven from Frozen, and even Ariel. Keep in mind that the skill level to complete these lessons may be more suited to teenagers and adults.

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Find out how to draw awesome Pixar characters such as WALL-e and Buzz Lightyear. Or find out how make an Onward-inspired flip book. Enjoy on-demand instruction from Pixar story artists as they guide your child step-by-step through drawing classes. You can also check out Pixar in a Box made in partnership with Khan Academy.

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To take online art classes, be sure to find expert-taught lessons. Search for digital art classes, read reviews, evaluate the overall curriculum, and pick the instruction style (on-demand vs. live) that will work best for keeping you motivated and providing you the feedback you need.

To learn to draw online for free, explore lessons from professionals through programs such as Draw with Disney Animation, and Draw with Pixar. There are also free websites where kids can create digital art.

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Begin your art adventure today! Digital design for kids can help grow their creativity and critical thinking skills, while also building their art skills for a future graphic design career. Up next, explore all about graphic design for kids, including several fun graphic design activities.

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So if you’re undecided about which type of program you may need for your art practice and you want to sample some art software without spending money, there are some brilliant programs that rival the expensive paid for apps.

In this review, we’ll compare all the free digital art software options. We’ll also show you how the features and functionality shapes up to the paid for industry standard programs.

 - Good Digital Art Software Freecell 247

Disclaimer: Fine Art Tutorials is a reader supported site. When you make purchases through links on this site, we may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you.

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Pros: powerful image editor with a wide range of features, easy to use once you get familiar with the basics, easier to learn than Photoshop, wide range of plugins and extensions available, can be used for digital painting, open source

Cons: user interface can be confusing at first, not as many features as some of the paid for programs, no phone or tablet app available.

GIMP is a powerful image editor that offers a wide variety of features and tools. Use it for photo editing, web designing, graphic design and digital painting. The Adobe photography bundle which includes Photoshop, Lightroom and the Photoshop app for iPad costs just under $10 per month. So by using GIMP, you will be saving that extra cost.

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Beginner artists may need to take some time to learn the user interface. However, once you grasp the basics of the layout, it’s easy to master.

It’s compatible with OSX, Linux, Windows and GNU. The document files are also compatible with PSD, so if you create artworks in GIMP and later decide to invest in a Photoshop subscription, you will be able to edit these files in Photoshop.

There are also a wide range of plugins and extensions available to add even more functionality. For example, G’MIC is a plugin that comes with over 200 filters, so you can edit and colour correct artwork and photographs with incredible flexibility. There is also a heal selection plugin, which automatically fills sections you want to remove.

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Another great feature of GIMP is that it has a batch processing functionality. This means that you can apply the same set of edits and operations to multiple images.

Krita is a powerful and promising free digital art software program that’s been gaining popularity in recent years. It was specifically designed for digital painting and drawing. The software includes a wide range of features and tools that allow artists to explore their creative potential and create professional artworks. Artists can use Krita to create animations, digital paintings, concept art and illustrations.

The features of Krita are extensive, with a large brush pack, layers and masking, the ability to group layers and create vector artwork.

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The user interface is very straightforward and easy to use. You can also customise the workspace to better suit your needs, this means that you can load particular workflows to suit different projects.

Krita allows artists to save their work as .tiff files. So if you want to make prints of your artwork, Krita is a great choice of software.

Krita is another open source software and you can download plugins to increase the versatility of the program. Download new brush packs, texture packs and user made python plugins. For example, you can download a plugin to generate comic panels, upload videos to the program to use as animation frame references and much more!

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Adobe Fresco is a digital drawing and painting app that works on tablets, phones, touch and stylus devices. It is also available on Creative Cloud Desktop Windows and Surface Pro devices.

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The program is available as part of a freemium model, so the free version has fewer tools and features than the paid for version. However, if you want to get the premium version, you can buy it as part of a number of the Adobe plans. If you subscribe to the Fresco single app plan for $9.98 per month, the Adobe Photoshop plan, or the Creative Cloud full plan.

The software includes a wide variety of brushes, including traditional media, live brushes that react to water and pressure and vector brushes. The latter are especially useful for line art, logos and illustrations.

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Fresco also has a number of features that make the digital painting process feel as close to traditional painting as possible. For example, you can use the app to add texture to your paintings by scanning in papers and fabrics. You can also create your own custom brushes by recording the gestures you make with your stylus or finger.

When you combine Adobe Fresco and Photoshop, you will have access to many more features, like merging photos, retouching artwork, adding text and layers. The premium version allows artists to animate their drawings.

There are a number of features that are not available in the free version of Fresco. The main drawback is that you can’t work in high quality, or export PNG or PSD images. Also around half of the brushes aren’t available in the free version.

Best Software For Digital Artists

Inkscape is a vector graphic editor that digital artists use for a wide variety of design tasks such as web designing, logo design, illustrations and cartoons.

It’s a free and open source software that can be likened to Adobe Illustrator, in that it supports vector graphics. Use nodes to edit paths, clone objects, apply and edit gradients. Overall the path and shape tools have similar functions in both Illustrator and Inkscape, but Illustrator offers more brush effects.

The Best Free Digital Art Software: Reviewed - Good Digital Art Software Freecell 247

If you are an aspiring graphic designer who wants to learn how to create vector graphics, like logos or illustrations without paying the premium for Adobe, downloading Inkscape would be a great way to get to grips with vector image design. The tools are easy to learn and arguably easier to learn than Illustrator. Therefore it would be an excellent program to practice making more complex designs.

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The main downside of Inkscape, is that it doesn’t support CMYK colour mode. This means that you won’t be able to make documents for print. However, if you’re looking for a program to use for digital work such as logos, web assets, typography and more, it is a great option.

With Adobe Illustrator, you can create any type of vector graphics you want for web or for print, as it supports CMYK colour mode. Save your Inkscape file as an SVG and export as a .tiff, webp, png and more.

Paint.NET has a lot of features and tools that would suit beginner digital artists. Digital artists can use it for photo editing, web designing, graphic design and digital painting.

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Draw and edit sections of your image with layers, and use a number of photography tools to alter the colour profiles of an image. Apply filters, use the clone stamp tool to sample areas of the image, clean up particular sections and remove red eye in portraits. Create gradients, text and use drawing tools to paint directly on the canvas.

This is a user friendly free digital art software that is less intimidating for beginners compared to more complex programs like GIMP. Artists can use the program straight away without much training. It’s possible to watch a YouTube video or two and figure out the toolbar intuitively for creating basic designs.

Paint.NET does have some advanced features that are on par with GIMP. For example, you can use the curves tool to make global and local adjustments to the tone and colour of an image, much like you would in Photoshop.

 - Good Digital Art Software Freecell 247

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Although the program doesn’t offer quite as many features or plugins as GIMP, it is a great free alternative for anyone starting out in digital art who doesn’t want to be overwhelmed by too many tools.

Autodesk Sketchbook has a free option with a fairly limited set of features. However, it’s still a great program for digital drawing and painting.

The user interface is very clean and simple which makes it great for those who want to get straight into their artwork without fussing about with too many settings. Choose from a variety of preset brushes or create your own, use the symmetry tool to create perfectly balanced drawings and paintings.

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This program also has a perspective tool that artists can use for sketching buildings or landscapes. If you want to take your sketches further, there is also the option to add layer effects.

Artweaver offers a basic version of their software for free. It’s a great raster program for sketching, drawing and painting, however the features are more limited than the premium version.

The tools in the program emulate traditional painting media, choose from brushes, pens, pencils. You can even make calligraphy lettering effects by using the calligraphy tool.

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If you’ve used any digital art tool before, Artweaver will be easy to navigate and get to grips with. Along with the industry standard image editing tools, Artweaver offers layer groups, blend methods, transparency and an exciting array of brushes to experiment with. Customise the program with the addition of plugins, or customise your workspace to suit your workflow.

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Sketchpad is a free digital art software program that is specifically designed for digital painting and drawing and includes a

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Play the hit action-strategy adventure where you meet, greet, and defeat legions of hilarious zombies from the dawn of time, to the end of days. Amass an army of amazing plants, supercharge them with Plant Food, and devise the ultimate plan to protect your brain.

Collect your favorite lawn legends, like Sunflower and Peashooter, along with hundreds of other horticultural hotshots, including creative bloomers like Lava Guava and Laser Bean. Go toe-to-missing-toe with a massive array of zombies at every turn, like Jetpack Zombie and Mermaid Imp – you’ll even have to protect your brain from rampant Zombie Chickens!

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Earn Seed Packets as you play and use them to fuel your potent plants. Power up attacks, double-down defenses, speed up planting time, and even gain entirely new abilities. Boost your plants to ensure those zombies are lawn-gone!

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Think your zombie-bashing strategy is the best? Put your planting skills to the test when you face other players in Arena. Enter Arena and compete against other players to get the highest score on unique levels. Earn coins, piñatas, and more to top the leaderboards, level up through Leagues, and become the ultimate garden guardian.

Battle across 11 crazy worlds, from Ancient Egypt to the Far Future, and beyond. With more than 300 levels, ultra-challenging endless zones, fun mini-games, and daily Piñata Party events, there’s always a new challenge to complete. Plus, ready your best defenses – Dr. Zomboss is waiting to take you on at the end of every world!

What's newCelebrate PvZ 2's Birthdayz with a new Update!What’s New:New Plants!Maybee and SeaFloraNew Events The Springening and Happy Birthdayz! Bug Fixes:Rework Sun Break Perk.Fixed max leveled perks not appearing in Penny's Pursuit.Fixed players getting stuck after fighting Zomboss in Penny's Pursuit.Almanac Plant descriptions updated, now with Plant Food descriptions!All this and much more packed into this PvZ 2 update! See you in the neighborhood… or the zombies will have your brainz!Plants vs Zombies2 well inherited the fine tradition of the past, the game's main mode is still an adventure level, that is, the majority of players are familiar with the five-line offensive and defensive mode, the basic mode of play in this mode is exactly the same as before, players need to collect sunlight Planting plants on the ground to prevent the invasion of zombies, eliminating the sad reminder of zombies eating your brain. Simple game concepts and user-friendly teaching make it easy for new players to understand the "Plants vs Zombies" for the first time. -

Plants Vs. Zombies 2 Reviewed

Although there are not many breakthroughs in how adventure levels are played, this does not mean that the model is immutable. PopCap has greatly improved its software production capabilities after it has been developed by various platforms. Compared with the previous game, the optimization of the game has done very well, even in the "old machine" will not feel any significant delay. The plants are also not moving, but add a lot of dynamic effects, such as the familiar pea shooter in the attack will muster the cheek and then spit out the bullets, the new plant cabbage will be looked around with provocative eyes, this Changes in detail not only give the old players a fresh feeling, but also as a swap, so that players waiting for the enemy offensive not so boring.

However, the biggest change in the adventure mode lies in the tombstone. Although the tombstone appeared in the past, these obstructions can only be destroyed by the specific plants. In this scenario, any plant attack can damage the tombstone and destroy the tombstone a few times. However, this setting has also somewhat weakened pea shooter, an attacker that can not penetrate the barrier of old plants - if there is a zombie and pea shooter in the middle of a tombstone, then the zombie before crossing the tombstone, the pea shooter only Can attack the tombstone, but can not cause damage to the zombies, relatively speaking, the new plant parabolic attack is much more beneficial, you can directly attack the zombie across the tombstone, and the price is 100 sunshine. I believe in most cases, players will give priority to choose it, right? However, this setting can be understood as PopCap is to encourage everyone to try more new plants to deal with the enemy, so let's talk about these newly added stuff!

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New plants and new enemies are a part of PopCap's big part of this promotion, and in real games these two new features really give players a completely different and pre-emptive experience. Most of the plants that are available for the first game of the game, except potatoes, pea shooters and sunflowers, are brand new - boomerang shooters who can attack up to three targets in a straight line, preferring melee cabbages , You can freeze a zombie's frozen lettuce without any sunlight, and even lightning reeds that can use lightning attack. These new plants not only have the same attacking style as the older generation, but also the tactics the players use to take them Different. Cabbage, for example, has a high frequency of attacks but a single attack range, which is good for breaking tombstones and even working with nuts to make a splash at the front. In contrast, in order to highlight these new plants, PopCap put some of the old plants "into the cold palace, " and the classic plants in the previous works require the player to get the process to a certain degree under normal circumstances. If you want to use it in the early stage , Can only choose to buy in advance by way of way.

Plants Vs. Zombies 2

Compared with the mighty new plant, the thorny new enemy is not so much loved, the game adds some zombies that indirectly hindered the players, such as appearance on the map of Egypt, will absorb the sunshine of the pharaoh zombies, threw Bones summon the witch doctor zombies of the tombstones, both of which, although not really detrimental to the player's plant, are enough to affect the overall situation - when the player goes down then 25 sunshine can plant a strong plant, Absorbed by the enemy, is simply "God annoying!"

In addition to this disruptive zombie, there are some powerful new "DPS" enemies in the game, in which a zombie with a torch is believed to be the guy most unwilling to see, and once the zombie is close to the plant, the plant Charred, even if the potatoes can withstand the zombie attack is also spared, and the torch zombie moving speed is not slow, safer approach is to use frozen lettuce to freeze it, and then kill it from afar To some extent, test the resilience of the player, usually do not easily waste frozen lettuce emergency plant, otherwise in the crisis frozen lettuce is in the CD

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(cooling time), then you can only waste a kill kill the enemy. what? You say kill also ran out? That can only use human sea tactics to try your luck.

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The introduction of magic regarded as the biggest change for the players in the zombie means no longer confined to the plant this way, but can use magic to kill the enemy effortlessly. Magic in the game is divided into plants through the chlorophyll to kill, and the use of gestures directly spike zombie gesture magic, the following for everyone to explain in detail the use of these two new elements and experience:

Chlorophyll: The nirvana through the use of chlorophyll is the most commonly used game player in an enhancement, through the chlorophyll magic can increase a plant's combat effectiveness in a short period of time, the use of properly or even second off the full screen of the enemy, To achieve the effect of war situation reversed. Using chlorophyll magic consumes a green leaf slot that can be stored up to three chlorophyll energies at first by killing the chlorophyll-carrying zombie

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(the body glows green), and be careful not to let the energy spill Decisively consume an energy bar. It is worth mentioning that in the game to pay 1, 000 gold coins can immediately get a green leaf energy, but this price is too high, there is not enough money to start the magic gesture directly clearance, it is recommended that you do not increase the green leaf energy in this way.

Plants Vs. Zombies™ Garden Warfare 2: Standard Edition

Due to the green leaf energy is not a lot, in the off also 2 to 5, so it is best to avoid waste, chlorophyll used in the blade. First, in terms of increased plants, plants such as cabbage, which reinforce even a few seconds out of the body, are not a priority - unless you can waste 150 sunshine very decisively to plan a cabbage on the enemy Central, in this case the proceeds are good. Suggest that you give priority to soybean shooter, its kill can cover the entire screen, although the attack power is inferior to other plants, but can cause a comprehensive attack on the enemy, very effective in the early period, but late game players please give priority

Compared with the mighty new plant, the thorny new enemy is not so much loved, the game adds some zombies that indirectly hindered the players, such as appearance on the map of Egypt, will absorb the sunshine of the pharaoh zombies, threw Bones summon the witch doctor zombies of the tombstones, both of which, although not really detrimental to the player's plant, are enough to affect the overall situation - when the player goes down then 25 sunshine can plant a strong plant, Absorbed by the enemy, is simply "God annoying!"

In addition to this disruptive zombie, there are some powerful new "DPS" enemies in the game, in which a zombie with a torch is believed to be the guy most unwilling to see, and once the zombie is close to the plant, the plant Charred, even if the potatoes can withstand the zombie attack is also spared, and the torch zombie moving speed is not slow, safer approach is to use frozen lettuce to freeze it, and then kill it from afar To some extent, test the resilience of the player, usually do not easily waste frozen lettuce emergency plant, otherwise in the crisis frozen lettuce is in the CD

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(cooling time), then you can only waste a kill kill the enemy. what? You say kill also ran out? That can only use human sea tactics to try your luck.

Plants Vs. Zombies: Battle For Neighborville™ Complete Edition For Nintendo Switch

The introduction of magic regarded as the biggest change for the players in the zombie means no longer confined to the plant this way, but can use magic to kill the enemy effortlessly. Magic in the game is divided into plants through the chlorophyll to kill, and the use of gestures directly spike zombie gesture magic, the following for everyone to explain in detail the use of these two new elements and experience:

Chlorophyll: The nirvana through the use of chlorophyll is the most commonly used game player in an enhancement, through the chlorophyll magic can increase a plant's combat effectiveness in a short period of time, the use of properly or even second off the full screen of the enemy, To achieve the effect of war situation reversed. Using chlorophyll magic consumes a green leaf slot that can be stored up to three chlorophyll energies at first by killing the chlorophyll-carrying zombie

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(the body glows green), and be careful not to let the energy spill Decisively consume an energy bar. It is worth mentioning that in the game to pay 1, 000 gold coins can immediately get a green leaf energy, but this price is too high, there is not enough money to start the magic gesture directly clearance, it is recommended that you do not increase the green leaf energy in this way.

Plants Vs. Zombies™ Garden Warfare 2: Standard Edition

Due to the green leaf energy is not a lot, in the off also 2 to 5, so it is best to avoid waste, chlorophyll used in the blade. First, in terms of increased plants, plants such as cabbage, which reinforce even a few seconds out of the body, are not a priority - unless you can waste 150 sunshine very decisively to plan a cabbage on the enemy Central, in this case the proceeds are good. Suggest that you give priority to soybean shooter, its kill can cover the entire screen, although the attack power is inferior to other plants, but can cause a comprehensive attack on the enemy, very effective in the early period, but late game players please give priority